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Surgeries that can enhance fertility

Surgeries that can enhance fertility

Fertility enhancing surgeries are usually advised to young women with suspected minimal to moderate disease of tubes, ovaries or uterus. These surgeries may enhance the rate of spontaneous pregnancy or IUI treatment. Usually such surgeries are done by experts through laparoscope to prevent damage to pelvic organs.

Fertility enhancing surgeries in female infertility

Myomectomy :

Uterine fibroids are the most common tumours in the female. Fibroids in infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive treatment can decrease success rates than do age-matched women with no fibroid. Removal of fibroids(myomectomy) can help these cases. However, myomectomy is restricted to women with unexplained infertility. If you have fibroids growing into the uterine cavity then you are more likely to benefit after myomectomy. Higher pregnancy rates can be achieved after laparoscopic removal than open surgery. This procedure can be considered if you are suffering from infertility for long years.

Tubal anastomosis:

Tubal sterilization is one of the most commonly used contraceptive methods worldwide. Approximately 1% of the women who undergo this procedure may request reversal of the procedure to restore fertility. However, if you are going for this procedure you must be aware of its cost benefit analysis. Due to its low success rate, often IVF is preferred to tubal anastomosis. Tubal anastomosis by the laparoscopic approach has the advantages over open surgery. Less postoperative discomfort and fewer complications, a smaller incisional scar, a shorter recovery time, and earlier resumption of normal activities are the advantages of laparoscopic procedure. This could be especially beneficial for a patient who previously has undergone a laparotomy or caesarean section because it allows her to avoid a second surgery.

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