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Follicular Tracking

What Is Follicular Monitoring?


What are ovarian follicles?

Ovarian follicles are the basic units of female reproductive biology. Each of them contains a single oocyte (egg).

What is the best size of follicles to ovulate?

Follicles are minute in size around menstrual days. Slowly they grow and mature. A mature follicle of size more than 16mm is ready to ovulate (release egg)

What is follicular study test?

Follicular study is charting the follicular growth after the menstruation. Follicular monitoring is completed at ovulation.

At what size does the follicle rupture?

Follicles mature and rupture at 18 to 20 mm size. Ovulation happen around 12th to 18th  day of Cycle.

What is done in follicular test?

Assessment of the follicular maturity and endometrial receptivity is done by ultrasound follicular testing.

What do we see in follicular monitoring?

We can measure the follicle size and endometrium thickness by ultrasound in follicular monitoring.

How does follicular measurements using a computerized 3D ultrasound system help?

 In 3D ultrasound, follicular volume can be measured. It also gives idea about blood flow to the tissue. Ovarian function may be measured by gynaecologic ultrasonography of follicular volume.

Comparison of transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound – Which is better for follicular study?

Transvaginal ultrasound has advantages of better clarity about the uterus and ovaries.

How to prepare for a follicular tracking ultrasound?

For follicular tracking through transvaginal ultrasound patient is asked to empty urine just before the test. She does not need to come in empty stomach.

Ultrasound of Follicles

What to expect from a follicular tracking ultrasound?

Follicular monitoring tells us about the time of follicular growth and release of egg. This helps in administering medications in time.

How long does a follicular tracking ultrasound examination last?

Usually a transvaginal ultrasound is completed within 15-20 minutes.

Follicle monitoring for PCOS – how it is different?

In PCOS there are more number of follicles and high chance of ovarian hyperstimulation.

Why hormone tests required during follicular monitoring?

Sometimes hormone tests are combined with follicular monitoring to have a better idea about quality of egg.

When should follicular study start?

Ideally follicular study should start from day day 3 of the cycle, to assess a baseline size, as well as exclude if any cyst remains from previous cycle.

What is the role of AMH in follicular monitoring?

Serum AMH measurements are a better predictor of the number of early antral follicles than conventional hormone measurements. Patients with AMH of 3- 5 are expected to grow follicles well.

Hormone testing with Follicular monitoring

What is a follicular cyst?

Sometimes the maturing follicle ( dominant follicle ) grows at a good pace but fails to ovulate, and later becomes a cyst filled with fluid only.

Why follicles do not rupture?

At times follicles form cysts and don’t rupture. This happens frequently in elderly patients or patients with low ovarian capacity. It may be due to poor quality of oocyte.


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