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Why IVF treatment is costly?


IVF treatment is a programmed procedure extending from 4 to 6 weeks of time. It includes treatment for both the couples simultaneously. Initial investigations for both the couple may vary from 5000 -50 000 INR depending on the extent of problem. Pre-IVF treatment includes corrections of any underlying disorder which may hamper success of IVF. These include any chronic medical disorders like hypertension, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart disorders, skin diseases, infections and inflammatory diseases.
IVF programme starts with daily hormone injections to the female partner which are costly. These fertility medications may cost around one lakh rupees. Along with these injections continuous monitoring of follicular growth is required. Duration of the injections depends on the protocol decided by the IVF specialist. The protocol may be of long or short duration depending on the patient profile. Once the follicular growth is satisfactory the patient is take for collection of eggs. Oocyte retrieval or egg collection is usually done in an operation room under sedation. This procedure cost will be around 30,000 -50,000 INR.

IVF or ICSI procedure is carried out inside a laboratory with advanced microscopes and hi-tech equipment. It usually takes 3 to 5 days to grow the embryos in the laboratory. There are various optional procedures carried in the laboratory apart from IVF/ICSI depending on the need of patient. Some of them are sperm freezing, freezing of oocytes and embryos, IMSI, PGD/PGS, Assisted hatching. Total IVF laboratory cost may vary from 50,000 to 1,50,000 depending on the various steps taken for the couple.

IVF/ICSI is not a sure success treatment. It depends on the patient profile, the expertise of IVF specialist and Embryologist. It also depends on the quality of drugs used, culture conditions which varies among Fertility clinics and IVF laboratories. Due to the repeated failures IVF packages become very costly for the trying couple.

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