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Which is the best IVF Centre?

Why choose Femelife Fertility?

Femelife fertility, Chennai was started in 2010 and has spread its branches to Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Tirupati, Pondicherry, Ambattur, Berhampur, Cuttack and Bangladesh in a short period of time. The main reason for its enormous growth is its popularity among fertility patients and doctors. This wide network also helps patients to avail high class fertility care at door step.

Initial visit at Femelife

Usually at initial visit patients spend 30 to 45 minutes at our IVF Center. The receptionist and the staff are cordial and behave in a friendly manner. The patients are never made to wait for long time rather the appointment time is strictly followed. For patient’s convenience OPD hours are split into morning and evening sessions. This makes working couple not to lose duty hours.

Counselling at Femelife -

Our patient counselors are highly skilled and trained personnel having in depth knowledge about the fertility issues and experienced enough to handle the stressed couple. At the initial counselling both partners are investigated for the cause of infertility. The options of fertility treatment are discussed openly with the couple following ethical guidelines. Couple are encouraged to participate in the discussion, Basic knowledge about human reproduction is explained with visual aids.

Fertility services at Femelife

FEMELIFE is widely recognized as the architect of modern IVF Treatment in India. Dr. Nabaneeta and her team have acquired special expertise in treating problems of IVF, laparoscopy, reproductive endocrinology, menopause, and infertility. Best Fertility Doctors and embryologists are available for ICSI, IVF, Infertility treatment and PCOS management. We are among the best IVF hospitals for Egg donation, Embryo donation, Surrogacy, surrogate mother care, high risk pregnancy care, IUI, IVF and ICSI, PGD, Assisted hatching, cryopreservation and Karyotyping.

Natural conception at Femelife –

Not all the patients attending the IVF clinic need fertility treatment. Approximately 80% of couples will conceive in the first 6 months of attempting pregnancy. Fertility enhancement by natural methods are encouraged at Femelife. Lifestyle modifications like diet, exercise, avoiding smoking can improve fertility rates in young couples. Like many aspects of our health, fertility is improved by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining an ideal weight, a diet rich in antioxidants (found in fruits and vegetables), as well as multi-vitamins may improve the quality of egg and sperm. Avoiding pollution, smoking, junk food, reducing stress and controlling chronic medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes may also improve a couple’s chances of fertility. Couples with underlying medical or genetic conditions are screened by doctors at Femelife so that they can increase their overall health before conceiving. Overweight men interested in optimizing fertility are encouraged to attain an ideal body weight before fertility treatment. Antioxidants such as vitamins E and C are supplemented which have been found to result in a slight increase in both sperm count and movement. Maintaining an ideal weight avoids PCOS {polycystic ovaries} hence improves the quality of egg and chances of ovulation. At Femelife we take care of your lifestyle before starting IVF programme.

IUI at Femelife

Femelife runs a highly successful IUI programme due to the active customization of protocols and selection of appropriate patient groups. Accurate follicular tracking, controlling the quality of eggs by use of fertility drugs and timing of IUI are crucial for our better success rates by IUI. We also run a downregulated IUI protocol which gives optimum success in PCOS patients.

IVF /ICSI at Femelife

There are two ways that an egg may be fertilized in the laboratory: IVF and ICSI. In traditional IVF, 50,000 or more swimming sperm are placed next to the egg in a laboratory dish. Fertilization occurs spontaneously when one of the sperm enters into the cytoplasm of the egg. In the ICSI process, a tiny needle, called a micropipette, is used to inject a single sperm into the center of the egg. Our experienced embryologists and excellent culture conditions in IVF laboratory have achieved 80-90 % fertilization rate. We encourage blastocyst transfer for better success and to reduce multiple pregnancy rate.

Cryopreservation at Femelife IVF laboratory

We have facilities for sperm, egg, embryos, ovarian tissue and testicular tissue. Patients proposed to undergo cancer therapy, transgender patients and women delaying pregnancy can benefit from cryopreservation. Our thawing rates for embryo, egg or sperm is one of the best in the country.

PGD/PGS options at our center

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a genetic test on cells removed from embryos, to help select the best embryo(s) for pregnancy or to make offspring free of a genetic disease.

PGD at Femelife is offered for 3 major groups of diseases:

(1) sex-linked disorders,
(2) single gene defects, and
(3) chromosomal disorders

Primary candidates for PGS at Femelife includes the following:

• Women of advanced maternal age
• Couples with history of recurrent pregnancy loss
• Couples with repeated IVF failure
• Male partner with severe male factor infertility

Care of IVF pregnancy at Femelife-

Every pregnancy is unique, and precious to the would be parents no matter how the baby is conceived. Pregnancy is well maintained by good luteal support and safe pregnancy tips. Patients are regularly screened for any signs of preterm labor, cervical incompetence, fetal wellbeing. They are screened for medical disorders and high risk pregnancy is taken care of. Facilities for newborn are also available under the care of neonatologists and skilled nurses.

IVF success at Femelife

The high success rates at Femelife is contributed by our dedicated staff, doctors and embryologists. Our IVF success is reflected in our high take home baby rate, minimal biochemical pregnancy and reduced miscarriage rate. We have delivered above 5000 babies in our various centers during last 8 years and have helped the families to fulfil their dream.

24/7 fertility service available in Femelife, Chennai-

Some pregnancies become high risk as they progress, while some women are at increased risk for complications even before they get pregnant for a variety of reasons. For care of all these women Femelife Fertility provides 24/7 health care with trained nurses and doctors.

High IVF success rate, friendly approach and compassionate treatment makes FEMELIFE popular in this field among all. Furthermore, they have a wonderful health blog which takes care of healthy habits, encourages natural conceptions among patients. Hence Femelife Fertility is the best IVF Centre in Chennai, India.

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